Thursday, May 27, 2010

6lbs 9oz

I swear sometimes it was just yesterday that Kamea was born. I look at her and flash back to the operating room. I can still see the look on Chris' face when they pulled her out of me. Pride. I still remember how terrified I was that she was so tiny. They say you forget the pain of childbirth when their born. I guess that doesn't apply to c-sections. It was by far the worst and best thing I've ever experienced. The worst being that I felt as though I was being murdered. I'm not entirely sure what that feels like, but I'd put my money on the fact that I've got a pretty good idea. The best part being Kamea of course. And although I joke continually that I will never EVER go through that again. I would. For her...I would. 'They' might have been wrong about the forgetting the pain thing (at least for me) but everyone was right about the love thing. I had no idea what love was until she came along. I thought I knew it. But there is nothing like the love you have for your own child. I am so in love with her. Every tiny little part of her. And I can't believe she's almost 5 months old. If there was ever a time when I wanted to freeze time, it is now.

Now, before this whole growing up thing gets out of hand.